elearning 06 AJC Randwick

Visit our wiki to access slide show from the 10 minute presentation Rob Wales and myself did at the E-Learning 06 showcase last Friday (sorry everyone isn't in the main pic).
The showcase went extremely well thanks to Robyn Jay and Alex Hayes organisation for a terrific Conference at AJC. Our team Blog2Blog received lots of positive feedback from the other delegates. Well done and thanks to the managers at OTEN and WSI staff who gave the project their approval and support, those who particiapted in the project and those who covered for us when we were off learnscoping throughout the year.
Our section's two teams are in the final stages of preparing their student focussed activity ready for the new years TVET's enrolments.
Rob & Anthony from Property Services are preparing an induction web site for property trainees that provides info & assistance for trainees and host employers. We are in the process of obtaining written and aural responses from trainees who have completed their traineeship and host employers to help new trainees get a feel for the course and we are also incorporating a blog where trainees can interact and create an online community amongst themselves.
Carole & Sandra also from Property Services have a similar focus with TVET students to aid the communication and learning of TVETs hoping to encourage earlier interaction with the learning materials. In the longer term they are looking to use the technologies that the project investigated to reduce the need for face to face visits to far flung schools around the state.
You can check out the progress of the projects at:
The central (Hub) blog for the project - http://connectvety.blogspot.com
Rob & Ant's trainee site - www.propertytrainees.wikispaces.com
Carole & Sandra's TVET site - www.propertytvets.wikispaces.com
These two sites are works in progress and will continue to evolve as we further develop the level of support for these students.