ICVET Conference 2006

This is a response to the ICVET workshop "Mind Your Language" as a volunteer in hypothetical Olympic Games stadium 2008 in Beijing.

This workshop demonstrated innovation in workplace learning. Participants pretended to be volunteers training for the Olympic Games in 2008 Beijing.
Participants broke into groups of three called ‘Olympic teams’. Each team was allocated a country which they represented as an Olympic volunteer at the 2008 Beijing Games.
One 3G Motorola mobile phone was allocated to each team. Each team had the same competency which was a simple language translation activity in the allocated country that they were representing.
This activity was completed by each team and using web 2.0 ser audioblogged via the 3G phone to the Olympic Committee for assessment.
Workshop Overview/Aims:
The aim of this workshop is to illustrate how Web 2.0 tools involving mobile devices can be used for evidence-based assessment in the workplace. The ‘hypothetical’ workplace is called the ‘Olympic Games 2008’. This interactive session will focus on the current theories of connectivism and constructivism in workplace learning. As practitioners should we be teaching students more on ‘how to learn’ rather than ‘what to learn’? Discussions around the new Read, Write Web and the development of ePortfolios collected from evidence- based assessments in the so called ‘connected era’.
Workshop target audience
Educationalists, Instructional designers, academic and support staff who are engaged in online VTE. . Anyone with the ability to think innovatively when designing evidence- based assessment in the workplace.
Learning Activities:
The prepared translation cards for the teams will be ‘switched on in the workplace’ by a large Olympic torch containing a stand with ten different countries flags which will be located in the foyer of Australian Technology Park.
Each designated team (groups 3) will go to the flag representing their country and complete the activity.
After 30 mins the presenters (Olympic Committee) will then go online to OTEN learning support site and view the evidence from the participants. In conclusion, the groups will discuss the pros and cons of evidence-based assessing using mobile technology as new and emerging benefits in teaching and learning practice.
Delivery method
The activity question will be SMS to the delegates by the presenter in English to each team’s phone which is to be responded back in a foreign language to the presenter.- A translation card will be provided to do this activity. This will be located hypothetically at the ‘Olympic Park Stadium’ which is situated on the ground floor of ATP under the designated country’s flag. Each team will be representing a different Nation.(A handout identifying flags of the world will be given out for those who are unsure what country’s flag they are representing)
- Using the phone provided one member of the team will record the evidence of the second colleague translating the assessment task involving a simple first aid incident. The third colleague will audioblog the team’s assessment to the Olympic Games ICVET Assessors website .
- All Teams will return to the workshop to review their assessment and discuss the interactive learning activity of using mobile phones for evidence-based assessment.
Presenter demonstrated the following:
How to audioblog the assessment to the Olympic Games website as evidence in the workplace.
Key points of session
- Connectivism, Web 2.0 supporting workplace assessment and the development of ePortfolio as continuing evidence of your learning.
- The benefits of using educational technologies to provide evidence-based assessment in workplace.
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