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Monday, March 14, 2005



The purpose of accelerated learning is to have just in time information anywhere anyplace however, there will come a time wheret information will need to be spontaneous and the question here now lies in whether there will be any learning at all. Simply a smart device will inform the individual exactly what the unknown matter is and how to communicate and use it. Will this be a new paradigm? Will nanotechnology learning question the use of our long term memory skils to become effete ?

Friday, March 11, 2005



So if you see Nanotechnology as a new beginning to enhance AI applications then the smart devices will be emerging ubiquitously (Ubicomp) sooner than we think. From now until 2008 will be the development of some fascinating technology to enhance the knowledge systems that once were only in the minds of those masters and experts in the profession. Only to be taught and practiced over years of experience. The development of expertise will now in the new milenium be excellarated from 20 years to 'just in time' positions and more!!..

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Artificial Intelligence in Bioworld and Nanotechnology

Hi as a nuance to blogging I would need to introduce myself as a cartoonist extraordinaire who enjoys sailing in big yachts and searching new technologies in elearning.

My background as a Biomedical Scientist and interest in biomedical education led me to my research in the area of cognitive science and the potential opportunities and uses for AI applications in clinical diagnostic in the field of Pathology. In particular my technology students studying laboratory assaying techniques in haematology, microbiology and biochemistry.

I am currently exploring the concepts based on Sherlock I and II (Lajold 1996) that implemented smart programs extracted from expertise to troubleshoot various context scenarios for aviation studies. Another AI program which was based on a similar concept was called Bioworld. This was a virtual artificial intelligence program of a virtual laboratory where students were given a hypothetical laboratory speciman with full clinical history of the patient and were asked to analyse and provide a diagnostic result from the clinical finding they found on the specimen. This was achieved from the virtual assays they performed on this program which provided them with the report on the correct assay they requested from the program on the patients sample. However, this could only be achieved through understanding the case and asking the right questions which were provided from the AI program if the search was done properly the path they took would provide them with the answer to the correct result of the case study.

Students need to use timely learning technology to enhance their expertise in shorter time frames than what is currently available to meet the 'just in time' technology advances confronting students in biomedical environments today.

Is there currently a virtual site that exists that can tap into such smart programs to enhance the development of expertise in this specialised field of practice. One will need to see what is being developed in nanotechnology worlds and smart machines that can enhance our knowledge to greater levels of understanding to meet the exciting paths to new knowledge awaiting all of us..

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