Find out more visit Paula's Time 2 Learn
Podcasting 2007This workshop is extremely interactive and will cater to all participants interested in Vocational Training and Education(VTE).
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Podcasting Workshop
Who is Learning 2006-2007
Concise paper visit: Ascilite Conference 2006
Innovation through Action Learning
Beth Hobbs, Paula Williams
TAFE NSW Western Sydney Institute – OTEN Educational Development - Learning Technologies Unit
This paper describes an organisational approach that is being undertaken by a Vocational Educational Institution to engage teachers in the use of emerging technologies to enable them to implement innovative ways of teaching and learning that are more flexible and accessible for learners. This Institute wide approach incorporates large scale innovative professional development opportunities for Vocational teachers involving action learning project teams exploring the potential benefits of emerging technologies and trialling the use of these technologies with learners.
The outcomes will impact on organisation wide decisions about the future direction of collaborative learning environments and technologies in teaching and learning.These projects are part of a state-wide TAFE NSW dynamic research teaching and learning community, continuously collecting practitioners’ ideas, experiences and information then sharing, organising and evaluating them in the ‘blogosphere’. Using action research methodology the projects focus on what teachers’ experience, the outcomes for learners and the technical challenges embraced. This approach aims to collect meaningful applications of learning strategies using technologies that are effective, sustainable and scaleable.
Ascilite Workshop
Sunday 3rd December 2006
University of Sydney
His Masters Voice (HMV)- Radio iLectures
iTrips for the iPod Generation
- Participants will be introduced to and engage with Web 2.0 audio-visual tools and their current usage in vocational education and training.
- Participants will explore potential applications of ipods and itrip transmitters as powerful listening devices for teaching and learning in the workplace.
- Participants will create and publish a mini ilecture using open source software for mobile devices.
- Participants will leave the workshop with the concepts of how mobile communications can facilitate collaborative–based learning in today’s workplace within a critical pedagogical perspective.
Create an iLeacture in 6 steps
Learn how to use mobile technology to tap into the Web 2.0 services.

Visit to create an ilecture for an ipod in 6 easy steps!
Listen and broadcast to your friends over the local car radio or at work using itrips.